What owners need to know when submitting an RfTA for Section 8 housing (part 2)
Step 3: Schedule the Inspection. Within 3 days after submitting the RfTA, the owner will be contacted by the housing authority to review the RfTA and schedule the inspection. The inspection can be scheduled as soon as 2-3 days after the initial contact with the housing authority. The unit must be vacant, the utilities must be turned on and someone 18 years old or older must be present. If the unit does not pass inspection on the first attempt, the housing authority will typically schedule a re-inspection. If the property has changed ownership, such as being put into a trust, LLC, or the death of an owner, be certain to bring that information to the housing authority’s attention. The owner may be asked to submit additional documents like a certificate of occupancy issued by the city where the property is located or proof of ownership as in a grant deed.
Step 4: Rent Negotiation. By now you should have used our Affordability Calculator to pre-determine if the Section 8 HCV family can afford your asking rent. If you have not, then the rent offered by the housing authority may surprise you. The rent that is offered by the housing authority is based upon the income of the Section 8 HCV family you selected, NOT the voucher payment standard.
If the rent offered by the housing authority is lower than your asking rent, determine if the reason for the lower than expected rent is due to the family’s income or market comparables. If the family’s income is causing the rent offer to be lower than expected, you can either cancel the RfTA or accept the lower rent. However, if the market comparables are the cause of the lower than expected rent offer, you can ask for a ‘reassessment’. A reassessment is conducted over the telephone to ensure the housing authority captured the unit’s information accurately. If the unit information is incorrect a new rent amount will be offered. However, if the unit information is correct, the rent offer is final.
Step 5: Sign Lease/Contract. Do not, I repeat, do not let the family move in until after you have been authorized by the housing authority. The owner will be given the portions the tenant is to pay and the portion the housing authority will pay. Upon accepting the rent offer, you will be authorized to let the selected Section 8 HCV family move in. The lease can begin as soon as the day the unit passes inspection. The housing authority must execute the contract and issue payment within 60 days of the start date of the lease.